
Firefly 2 Review

FireFly 2 vaporizer reviewed by Vape Pen Pro
The Firefly 2 is here! It's the highly anticipated follow up to it's most successful vaporizer.

Firefly 2

Firefly 2

Ease of use


    Battery life


      Heat time






            The Pros

            • Exceptional ease of use
            • Fast heat time
            • App control
            • Good battery charge
            • Easy to clean and comes with a cleaning kit

            The Cons

            • Smaller than the FF1 but still large
            • High cost

            The Firefly 2 just might change the vaporizer game!

            Firefly 2 packaging reviewed by Vape Pen Pro

            Out of the box the Firefly 2 vaporizes dry herbs. Included in the accessories are little compacted metal mesh discs or as they call them concentrate pads. With the concentrate pads you can vape most concentrates including wax, oil and rosin. My first impression is the FF2 really is a huge improvement from the FF1. Seems like Firefly learned a lot from the FF1 and incorporated those improvements into the new Firefly 2.

            Firefly 2 in the box reviewed by Vape Pen Pro

            Not only will you be able to vaporize dry herbs and concentrates with the same unit, but the Firefly 2 is 33% smaller than the Firefly 1! That’s more functionality in a smaller size.


            Firefly 2 mouthpiece reviewed by Vape Pen Pro

            In terms of direct draw vaporizers, the mouthpiece on the Firefly 2 is really nice. As you can see in the picture theirs a grated barrier with small holes providing smooth draws and huge clouds. The mouthpiece itself is made of a BPA-free triton polymer that apparently is FDA approved. I really like this mouthpiece because it doesn’t leave that weird plastic taste most vaporizers emit. However, a nice feature for future models would be a removable mouthpiece so you can change it out once it got clogged or at least for easier cleaning.

            Integrated iOS and Android App control

            Firefly 2 app settings reviewed by Vape Pen Pro

            Firefly is one of the only players right now integrating your smart phone with your vaporizer. Through the app you can adjust temperature, monitor battery life and customize it.

            The heat settings are; Concentrates 500°, High 420°, Medium High 400°, Medium 380°, and Low 360°. I’m sure as the product is rolled out, more features will be introduced that connect the Firefly 2 with the app.

            Customized Temperature control

            Firefly 2 app control reviewed by Vape Pen Pro

            The Firefly 2 comes packed with sophisticated temperature control that allows you to customize the heat settings to your liking. The heat settings are; Concentrates 500°, High 420°, Medium High 400°, Medium 380°, and Low 360°. I’m sure as the product is rolled out, more features will be introduced that connect the Firefly 2 with the app.

            Firefly 2 heat control button reviewed by Vape Pen Pro

            On the front is a touch sensor, place your finger on the sensor and you are now adjusting the temperature. That’s quick and pretty cool in my opinion. The LED light will change to a solid GREEN indicating that your ready to vape.

            The Bowl & Heating Element

            Firefly 2 chamber bowl reviewed by Vape Pen Pro

            Just like the case, the bowl is also made of strong high density glass. As a result you get much cleaner hits than with a metal bowl. The heating element is also glass but much of it’s structure is a company secret. The FF2 utilizes dynamic convection heating technology to vaporizer dry herbs or concentrates.

            The Firefly 2 is made of glass & reinforced by a magnesium alloy shell

            Firefly 2 glass cover reviewed by Vape Pen Pro

            The Firefly 2 is smaller than the Firefly 1 yet feels more solid then the previous Firefly. The main unit is made of high density glass with a reinforced shell made of magnesium.

            Firefly 2 magnetic glass cover reviewed by Vape Pen Pro

            The glass cover is held on my a very strong magnet. At first you are looking at the vaporizer thinking “how the hell do I load the chamber?” First I sort of wiggled the glass cover that sits on top of the chamber. I quickly realized that the entire front of the unit must come off. Those magnets are strong which is good considering it’s the only thing protecting your herb or concentrate from falling out.

            Battery Life and Dock Charger

            Firefly 2 battery life reviewed by Vape Pen Pro

            If you still have the Firefly 1 then you can use that battery in the Firefly 2. Both models use a single 770 mAH rechargeable lithium-ion battery. The battery life on the Firefly 2 is pretty good for 1 to 2 hours of vaping. It only takes about 45 mins to fully charge the Firefly 2 which is great compared to other vaporizers.

            Extra Battery

            Firefly 2 extra battery reviewed by Vape Pen Pro

            Another 770 mAH rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Awesome!

            Charging Dock

            Firefly 2 charging dock reviewed by Vape Pen Pro

            Firefly 2 Accessories

            Firefly 2 vaporizer accessories reviewed by Vape Pen Pro

            Lots of accessories come packed in the Firefly 2 box. From metal mesh pads to vaporize rosin, to a pretty extensive cleaning kit. I really love when a product comes packed with extra support.

            Concentrate Pads

            Firefly 2 concentrate pads reviewed by Vape Pen Pro

            The Firefly 2 includes 3 concentrate pads. These pads really work well for wax and rosin. I found that most oils don’t stick well to the mesh. You have to make sure to heat the pad in the chamber for 5 to 10 seconds before taking a draw. Quickly I realized that the unit takes 25 to 45 secs to re-heat itself to the desired temp. This is a little annoying but worked well once it was heated up.

            Cleaning Kit

            Firefly 2 cleaning kit reviewed by Vape Pen Pro

            The cleaning kit comes with

            • 1x durable double-sided brush to remove debris
            • 2x pokers which work well as dab tools
            • 2x cleaning wipes (haven’t used them)

            Release Date

            The Firefly 2 is expected to be release in early June is here! However theirs already reports of people that have received early prototypes. On Reddit, one user describes his experience with the Firefly 2 prototype. One standout is that the Firefly 2 has a replaceable battery and will ship with 2 batteries in the box. That’s huge! Typical drawbacks with other vape pens relate back to the battery dying but not replaceable.


            About the author

            Vape Pen Pro

            Whats up, I'm Chris, a heavy vape pen user and contributor to Vape Pen Pro. For years now I've been deeply involved with the vaporizer community. My vaping preferences lean towards dry herbs and wax but I regular vape e-liquids. My current vape pen setup includes a PAX2 for dry herbs & a Reliant 60W for e-liquids.

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            2 Comments on "Firefly 2 Review"

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            […] Firefly 2 Vaporizer (rev… […]

            Doctor Vape
            8 years 7 months ago
            I give the Firefly 2 a 9.8 (Glass and Scientific grade metal). I got it last Friday. I have used it everyday. It is a great vape. The metal and glass build, the glass window, the flavor is excellent , its very powerful, the dock, easy to clean and when cleaned its like brand new every time, no filters to clean or replace, it comes with 2 batteries a cleaning kit, the unboxing is top rate, the warranty is great, the app is a very good feature, the size is very good, excellent portability and the convection oven and dynamic… Read more »